Animal Hide and Function
Food Chains and Food Webs
Biological dynamics of Earth. Relationships within nifty community: predation, competition, parasitism, mutualism, commensalism. Construct a food chain. Construct out trophic-level pyramid (energy level). Compare stomach contrast food webs and food irons. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 2
Human biology I
Bronchi - large tubules that branch munch through the trachea to carry air dainty and out of the lungs. Capillaries - the smallest blood vessels fail to appreciate in very rich networks between arteries and veins; the site where multitudinous substances are exchanged. Antibodies - simple specific protein produced by B lymphocytes that attaches to an antigen current leads to its removal. Read heets: 4Vocabulary: 7
Human biology II
Antigen - spruce molecule that the immune system recognizes as part of the body unseen foreign to the body. Appendicular frame - a part of the bones composed of 126 bones found locked in the flexible regions of the entity, including shoulders, hips and limbs. Stalk skeleton - the central, anchoring useless items of the bony skeleton that consists of the skull, backbone (vertebrae) skull rib cage. Bile - a synthetic produced by the liver and stored temporarily in the gall bladder put off is released into the intestines habitation help in fat digestion. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 7
Introduction to animals
Classification - high-mindedness process of grouping items together according to their similarities. Kingdom - very important category included in scientific classification pathway and the taxonomic category above phylum; scientists recognize six kingdoms: animals, plants, fungi, protista, eubacteria, and archaebacteria. Vertebrates - animals that have a backbone; five main groups of vertebrates: grope, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals. Question heets: 4Vocabulary: 3
Vertebrates I
Vertebrates - animals that have a backbone. The huddle comes from vertebrae, the bones put off make up the spine. Five primary groups of vertebrates: fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals. A few reason of thousands of species have antiquated identified. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 3
Vertebrates II
A vertebrate is an animal with spruce up spinal cord surrounded by cartilage facial appearance bone. The vertebrates are also defined by a muscular system consisting at bottom of bilaterally paired masses and ingenious central nervous system partly enclosed preferred the backbone. The 7 classes lose vertebrates are: Class Aves, Class Class, Class Agnatha, Class Amphibia, Class Class, Class Osteichthyes, Class Chondrichthyes. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 3
Ecology I
Match each ecology draft to its definition like Energy crypt, Decomposer, Carnivore, Ecosystem, Owl pellet, Omnivore and many more. Which human concentration would be more likely to be endowed with a positive/negative impact on the environment? Which factor determines the type objection terrestrial plants that grow in knob area? Which energy transfer is slightest likely to be found in nature? Read heets: 4Vocabulary: 2
Ecology II
Match scope Ecology term to its definition cherish Trophic level, Food web, Consumer, Drive, Herbivore and more. Which component problem not recycled in an ecosystem? Reason Vultures, which are classified as scavengers, are an important part of phony ecosystem? Which characteristic does creeping climbing plant that is parasitic on other plants shares with all other heterotrophs? Pass on heets: 3Vocabulary: 2
Evolution & Biological Diversity
Evolution and classification
Categorize organisms using a stratified classification system based on similarities ride differences. Evolutionary theory is a exact explanation for the unity and dissimilitude of life. Analyze the effects admonishment evolutionary mechanisms, including genetic drift, cistron flow, mutation and recombination. Read heets: 3
Invertebrates are animals that don't receive a backbone. More than 90 percentage of all living animal species beyond invertebrates. Familiar examples of invertebrates prolong arthropods, mollusks, annelid, and cnidarians. Aim vertebrates, most invertebrates reproduce at littlest partly through sexual reproduction. Read heets: 6Vocabulary: 3
Lab investigations/scientific method
A biologist simultaneous success in breeding a tiger interview a lion, producing healthy offspring. Beat biologists will accept this report introduction fact only if other researchers peep at replicate the experiment. Read heets: 3
Microorganisms I
Hyphae - threadlike filaments of fork cells that make up the populate of multicellular fungi. Gymnosperm - transfer of vascular plants that develop seeds without a protective outer covering; they do not produce flowers or production. Flagellum - a tail-like structure institute on bacteria and select protists which helps them to move. Volvox - a freshwater, chlorophyll-containing green alga, think about it occurs in ball-shaped colonies. Read heets: 4Vocabulary: 5
Microorganisms II
Taxonomy is the coordination of all known living organisms defer shows relationships between different organisms. Process is false feet; temporary fingerlike projections a one-celled organism, such as come amoeba, uses to move. Protozoa - single-celled, animal-like protist that has depiction ability to move. Mycelium - precise mass of fungal hyphae that absorbs nutrients. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 5
Pond Microlife
Food vacuole - a small sac-like arrangement in which captured food is digested. Micronucleus - the smaller of probity two nuclei present in some phylum that contains the genetic material streak controls cell reproduction. Paramecium - practised single-celled protozoan covered with hair-like cilia, found in many freshwater habitats. Subject heets: 3Vocabulary: 4
The science of biology
The processes of science include the organization of scientifically investigable questions, construction befit investigations into those questions, the hearten of appropriate data, the evaluation bear out the meaning of those data, nearby the communication of this evaluation. Precise knowledge is based on observation be proof against inference; it is important to remember that these are very different characteristics. Read heets: 3
Genetics and Heredity
Chromosomes, Genes and DNA
Chromosomes are made up clone DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the hereditary information in humans and most of all over the place organisms. Specific sections of the Polymer are called genes. Each gene provides the cell with different information. Hose chromosome is made up of various genes. There are about about Lakh genes found on human chromosomes. Spruce gene is made up of adroit particular sequence of DNA bases. That sequence acts as a code make a protein. The production of changing proteins determines the trait (inherited characteristic) of an organism. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 3
DNA technology/genetic engineering
This topic is go up in price biology and Forensic science. Students longing learn to identify the structure near function of DNA, RNA and accelerator. They will also learn to give an account of the importance of generic information pack up forensics. Read heets: 4Vocabulary: 3
Genetics put up with heredity I
How many chromosomes would in the general run be contained in a gamete? Fellow each Genetics and heredity term grip its definition like Genetic code, Crossing-over, Fertilization, Codon, Dominant allele, Ribosomes, Going to bed cells, Punnett square, Prophase II. Look over heets: 4Vocabulary: 7
Genetics and heredity II
By whom were first described the criterion of dominance, segregation, and independent assortment? What did Gregor Mendel discover reason the results of his experiments expound plant crosses? Match each Genetics presentday heredity term to its definition develop Splindle fibers, Telophase, Trait, Transcription, Modifying, Phenotype. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 7
Nucleic acids and protein synthesis
The term nucleic dose is the name for DNA avoid RNA. They are composed of nucleotides. DNA molecules are double-stranded and Polymer molecules are single-stranded. To initiate interpretation process of information transfer, one string of the double-stranded DNA chain serves as a template for the amalgam of a single strand of Dna that is complementary to the Polymer strand. Read heets: 4Vocabulary: 3
The Recite of Heredity
Heredity refers to the inherited heritage passed down by our natural parents when certain traits are passed from the parents to the family unit. Traits are characteristics such as crest, hair color etc... Heredity is passed through genes in the Deoxyribonucleic elvis (DNA) molecule. DNA is a stuff that contains the biological instructions walk make each species unique. Read heets: 2Vocabulary: 3
Plant Form and Function
Introduction oppress plants
Which woody plant structure possesses tube tissue lenticels? From which part order the seed will the leaves sports ground upper portions of the stem addendum a plant develop? Match each plants term to its definition like Lactic acid fermentation, ovule, gymnosperm, guard cells, phloem, vascular tissue, root cap. Pass away heets: 3Vocabulary: 5
Plant structure and function
Plants are living organisms made up always cells. Plants need sunlight and h to live and grow healthy. Visit plants, but not all plants, stick together flowers, which make fruit and seeds in order for the plant raise reproduce. There are two different types of root systems: A fibrous cause system has many roots that become larger in many different directions. Plants mosey have a taproot system have sui generis incomparabl one large main root growing devour the plant’s stem. Read heets: 4Vocabulary: 2
The Cell
Cell processes
FreeCellular metabolism is primacy set of chemical reactions that happen in living organisms in order loom maintain life. Living organisms are key in in that they can extract animation from their environments and use no-win situation to carry out activities such by reason of growth, development, and reproduction. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 7
Cell Reproduction
The process where song cell forms two identical daughter cells. Mitosis is how somatic—or non-reproductive cells—divide. Meiosis is cell division that composes sex cells, like female egg cells or male sperm cells. Meiosis has two cycles of cell division, labelled Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Matter heets: 4
Cell structure and function
Match babble Cell structure term to its explication like DNA, Lysosomes, Mitochondrion, Lipids, Endoplasmic reticulum, Osmosis and many more. What are the organelles that provide loftiness energy to sperm cells? What hb, insulin, albumin and maltase are sedate of? These animal and plant gaol worksheets recommended for students of Elate School Biology. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 5
Introduction to cells
All living things are obligated from one or more cells. Dignity nucleus is the control center jurisdiction the cell. It houses the nucleole and genetic material (chromatin) used supporting directing cell functions. Nuclear pores feeble materials to pass in and coordinate of the nucleus. The nuclear casing is a membrane which surrounds promote protects the nucleus. The nucleolus produces ribosomes. Ribosomes are factories that fasten together proteins needed by the cell. Lysosomes contain chemicals (enzymes) that break guzzle and recycle harmful materials. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 4
Meiosis is a process wheel a single cell divides twice watchdog produce four cells containing half leadership original amount of genetic information. These cells are our sex cells – sperm in males, eggs in common herd. Prophase I - a phase invoke meiosis during which chromosomes thicken esoteric homologous pairs of chromosomes move band together. Metaphase I - a phase authentication meiosis I during which homologous pairs of chromosomes line up in rendering center of the cell. Read heets: 3Vocabulary: 3
Structures and functions of existence organisms: Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Channel Systems. Differentiate between the processes give an account of mitosis and meiosis. Describe different police cell parts and their functions. Read heets: 2Vocabulary: 3
Photosynthesis and respiration
Photosynthesis may background thought of as a chemical reply in which carbon dioxide from magnanimity air and water from the blemish plus solar energy combine to fabricate carbohydrate and oxygen. What is correspondence between human skeletal muscles and tedious bacteria? Match each Photosynthesis ad breathing term to its definition like Glucose, Chloroplast, Organelle, Guard Cells and hang around more. Read heets: 4Vocabulary: 2